[1] The king hauing all his prouisions readie for the warre, and meaning to passe the sea in his owne per|son, for the better taming of the loftie Frenchmen, appointed that worthie councellor and right redoub|ted chéefteine, the noble George Talbot earle of Shrewesburie,The earle of Shrewesbu|rie sent into France with [...] armie. high steward of his houshold, to be capteine generall of his fore-ward; and in his com|panie were appointed to go, the lord Thomas Stan|leie earle of Derbie, lord Decowreie prior of saint Iohns, sir Robert Ratcliffe lord Fitzwater, the lord Hastings, the lord Cobham, sir Rice ap Thomas, sir Thomas Blunt, sir Richard Sacheuerell, sir Iohn Digbie, sir Iohn Askew, sir Lewes Bagot, sir Tho|mas Cornewall, and manie other knights, esqui|ers, and souldiers; to the number of eight thousand men. These passed the sea, and came all to Calis a|bout the middle of Maie.