[1] Which thing the Frenchmen perceiuing, they en|tered the gallies againe with moris pikes, and fought with the English in the gallies. The admerall per|ceiuing their approch, thought to haue entred againe into his row barge, which by violence of the tide was driuen downe the streame, and with a pike he was [page 817] throwne ouer the boord,Sir Edward and Howard admerall drowned. and so drowned, and also the forenamed Alfonse was there slaine: all the other boates and vessels escaped verie hardlie awaie: for if they had taried, the tide had failed them, and then all had béene lost. The lord Ferrers and the other capteins were right sorowfull of this chance: but when there was no remedie, they determined not to attempt anie further, till they might vnderstand the kings pleasure, and so they returned into Eng|land.