[1] The lord admerall by the counsell of a Spanish knight called sir Alfonse Charant, affirming that he might enter the baie with little ieopardie, called to him William Fitz Williams, William Cooke, Iohn Colleie, and sir Wolstan Browne, as his chéefe and most trustie fréends, making them priuie to his intent; which was to take on him the whole en|terprise, with their assistance. And so on S. Markes daie, which is the fiue and twentith of Aprill, the said admerall put himselfe in a small row barge, appoin|ting thrée other small rowing ships, and his owne ship bote to attend him;The adme|rall roweth into the baie where the Prior laie. and therewith vpon a sud|den rowed into the baie, where Prior Iehan had moored vp his gallies iust to the ground: which gal|lies with the bulworkes on the land, shot so terriblie, that they that followed were afraid. But the adme|rall passed forward, & as soone as he came to the gal|lies, he entered & droue out the Frenchmen. Willi|am Fitz Williams within his ship was sore hurt with a quarell. The baie was shallow, and the other ships could not enter, for the tide was spent.