[1] The English perceiuing the maner of the French men,The English nauie purpo|sing to set vp|on the French in the hauen, are defeated by a mischãce. determined to set on them in the hauen, and ma|king forward in good order of battell, at their first en|trie one of their ships, whereof Arthur Plantagenet, was capteine, fell on a blind rocke, and burst in sun|der, by reason whereof, all the other staied: and [...] English capteins perceiuing that the hauen was dangerous to enter without an expert lodesman, they cast about, and returned to their harborough at Berthram baie againe. The Frenchmen percei|uing that the Englishmen meant to assaile them, moored their ships so neere to the castell of Brest as they could, and placed bulworks on the land on eue|rie side, to shoot at the Englishmen. Also they trapped togither foure and twentie great hulkes that came to the baie for salt, and set them on a row, to the in|tent that if the Englishmen had come to assault them, they would haue set those hulks on fire, and haue let them driue with the streame amongst the English ships.