[1] Then to incourage diuerse gentlemen the more earnestlie to shew their valiancie,Diuers gen|tlemen knigh|ted by the lord admerall. he dubbed them knights; as sir Edward Brooke, brother to the lord Cobham, sir Griffith Downe, sir Thomas Wind|ham, sir Thomas Lucie, sir Iohn Burdet, sir Willi|am Pirton, sir Henrie Shirborne, and sir Stephan Bull. When the lord admerall saw the Frenchmen come, he comforted his men with pleasant words, therby the more to incourage them. The whole num|ber of the Englishmen was not much aboue 25 hundred, where the Frenchmen were at the least ten thousand; and yet when they saw the order of the Englishmen, they were suddenlie astonied.