[1] [2] [3] In the meane time there began a mutinie in the English campe thorough a false report, contriued by some malicious person; which was, that the cap|teins should be allowed eight pense for euerie com|mon souldier; where the truth was, that they had allowed to them but onelie six pense. The lord ge|nerall aduertised that the souldiers began to gather in companies, found meanes to apprehend the cheefe beginner, and deliuered him vnto William King|ston esquier, then prouost marshall; and so was he put to death to the terrour of all other. Whilest the Englishmen laie thus in campe on the borders of Biskaie towards Guien, the archers went often|times a forraging into the French confines almost to Baion, and burnt manie pretie villages.The king of Spaines ar|mie vnder the conduct of the duke of Alua. The king of Spaine raised an armie, and sent foorth the same vnder the leading of the duke of Alua, which came forward as though he meant to haue come to the Englishmen; who being aduertised of his approch, were maruellouslie glad thereof, in hope that then they should be imploied about the enterprise for the which they were come.