[1] [2] [3] On a daie the Frenchmen made a skrie toward the English campe, but the Englishmen perceiuing them, passed the riuer that was betwixt them, and with arrowes chased the Frenchmen; so that for hast manie of their horsses foundered, and fell, yer they came to Baion: if there had béene anie horssemen a|mongst the Englishmen, they had sore indamaged their enimies.A gentle offer by the king of Nauarre to ye Engl [...]shmen The king of Nauarre doubting least the Englishmen were come into those parties for no good meaning towards him, sent to the lord mar|quesse a bishop, and diuerse other, offering to mini|ster vittels vnto the Englishmen for their monie, if it should stand so with his pleasure. The lord mar|quesse thanked him for the offer, and promised that if they of Nauarre would vittell his people, they should paie them well and trulie for the same.