[1] Then the lord capteine remooued his field, & tooke an other place néerer to Fonterabie, where he laie a long time, looking euerie daie to haue aid of horsse|men and artillerie of the king of Aragon, but none came. Sir Iohn Stile caused to be bought two hun|dred mulets and asses of such price as the Spaniards gained greatlie,The English campe great|lie hindered for want of beasts to draw their [...]rdinance. and when they were put to carie and draw, they would not serue the turne, for they were not exercised thereto before that time; and so for want of beasts to draw such ordinance as the Englishmen had there with them, they lost the dooing of some great exploit against the Frenchmen on the fron|tiers of Gascoigne, for they might haue run a great waie into that countrie, being as then destitute and vnpurueied of men and munitions.