[1] [2] The king of Aragon also, hauing at that time warre with the French king,The Fren [...] king hath [...] hands full of troubles. wrote to his sonne in law king Henrie, that if he would send ouer an ar|mie into Biskaie, and so to inuade France on that side, for the recouerie first of his duchie of Guien; he would aid them with ordinance, horssemen, beasts, and cariages, with other necessaries apperteining to the fame. The king and his councell putting their affiance in this promise of king Ferdinando, prepa|red a noble armie all of footmen, and small artille|rie, appointing the noble lord Thomas Greie mar|quesse Dorset to be chéefe conductor of the same. Anno Reg 4 Sir Edmu [...] Howard [...] admerall. The king dailie studieng to set foorth his warre which he had begun against the French king, caused sir Ed|ward Howard his admerall with diligence to make readie diuerse goodlie tall ships, as the Souereigne and others, to the number of eighteene, beside other smaller vessels.