[1] Iohn Norton, Iohn Fog, Iohn Scot, and Tho|mas Linde, were made knights by the prince. And the ladie Margaret perceiuing the soldiers coates to be worne and foule with lieng on the ground (for e|uerie man laie not in a tent) gaue to euerie yeoman a coate of woollen cloth of yeallow, red, white,The duchesse of Sauoie be|stoweth new coats on the English sol|diors. and greene colours, not to hir little laud & praise among the Englishmen. After that sir Edward Poinings had béene highlie feasted and more praised of all men for his valiantnesse and good order of his people, he returned with his crue into England, and had lost by war and sicknesse not fullie an hundred persons. When the Englishmen were departed, the Gelders issued out of the gates of Uenlow, dailie skirmished [page 811] with the Burgognions, and asked for their archers, and héerewith winter began sharplie to approach, and the riuer of Maze by aboundance of raine rose so high, that it drowned vp the trenches: so that all things considered, the capteins without determined to raise their siege, and so they did, and after they had wasted all the countrie about Uenlow, they retur|ned euerie man to his home.