[1] [2] [3] On the six and twentith daie, the armie came be|fore Uenlow, and sent an herald called Arthois, to summon the towne; but they within would not heare but shot guns at him. On the eight and twentith daie, the armie remooued vnto the north side of Uen|low, and part went ouer the water,Uenlow be|sieged by the English. and made tren|ches to the water, & so besieged the towne as streict|lie as their number would giue them leaue; but yet for all that they could doo without, they within kept one gate euer open. At length, the English capteins perceiuing that they laie there in vaine, considering the strength of the towne, and also how the armie was not of number sufficient to enuiron the same on each side, wrote to the king, who willed them with all speed to returne, and so they did. Sir Edward Poi|nings went to the court of Burgognie, where he was receiued right honorablie of the yoong prince of Castile and of his aunt the ladie Margaret.