[1] The people were fled, but there was a little ca|stell rased, and cast downe, which was newlie built vp on the side of the said riuer. Upon the twentith daie of August, they burnt the foresaid towne of Aiske, and all the countrie about it,The towne of Aiske burned. and came at the last to a towne called Straulle, being verie strong, double diked and walled. Within it were thrée hun|dred & sixtie good men of war, beside the inhabitants. At the first, they shewed good countenance of defense but when they saw their enimies approach néere vnto them with rampiers and trenches, they yeelded by composition, so that the souldiers might depart with a little sticke in their hands. But the townesmen re|sted prisoners, at the will of the prince of Castile. And so on S. Bartholomews day the admerall of Flan|ders, and sir Edward Poinings entred the towne with great triumph.