[1] The armie to the number of ten thousand, beside the fifteene hundred English a [...]chers, passed forward; and the tenth daie of August, being saint Laurence daie, came before a little castle, standing on the high|er side of the Maze, called Brimnoist, belonging to the bastard of Gelderland. The same night,Thom. [...] gouernour of the English ordinance. The sort is woone. Thomas Hert, cheefe gouernour of the ordinance of the Eng|lish part, made his approach; and in the morning, made batterie so, that the assault therevpon being giuen, the fortresse was woone, and the capteine with eightie and od men were slaine, and ninetéene taken; of the which, eleuen were hanged. Iohn Morton, cap|teine of one hundred Englishmen, and one Guiot an esquier of Burgognie, crieng saint George, were the first that entered; at which assault, there was but one Englishman slaine. On thursdaie, the fourteenth of August, the armie feried ouer the riuer of Maze into Gelderland. The next daie, they came to a little towne called Aiske.