[1] [2] [3] [4] After this, vpon request made by the lords of Spaine, the lord Darcie and all his men the same night went aboord their ships, but Henrie Guilford, Weston Browne, and William Sidneie, yoong and lustie esquiers, desired licence to see the court of Spaine:The English men desire to sée the Spa|nish court. which being granted, they went thither, where they were of the king highlie interteined. Henrie Guilford and Weston Browne were made knights by the king, who also gaue to sir Henrie Guilford a canton of Granado, and to sir Wolston Browne an egle of Sicill on a chefe, to the aug|mentation of their armes. William Sidneie so ex|cused himselfe, that he was not made knight. When they had soiourned there a while, they tooke their leaue of the king and quéene, and returned through France into England.