¶On the first daie of Maie the king accompanied with manie lustie batchelers, Anno Reg. 3. [...] Hill in [...] 8. fol. xj. 1 [...]. on great and well doo|ing horsses rode to the wood to fetch Maie, where a man might haue séene manie a horsse raised on high with carrier, gallop, turne, and stop, meruellous to behold:The king and three other courtiers challengers. where he & three other, as sir Edward How|ard, Charles Brandon, and Edward Neuill, which were challengers with the king, shifted themselues into coats of gréene sattin garded with crimsin vel|uet. On the other part the earles of Essex, of Deuon|shire, the marquesse Dorset, & the lord Howard were all in crimsin satin, garded with a pounced gard of gréene veluet. And as they were returning on the hill, a ship met with them vnder saile: the maister hailed the king and that noble companie, and said that he was a mariner,A deuise of a ship vnder s [...]le and was come from many a strange port, and came thither to sée if anie déeds of armes were to be doone in the countrie, of the which he might make true report in other countries. An herald demanded the name of his ship; he answered she is called Fame, & is laden with good Renowme: then said the herald, If you will bring your ship into the baie of Hardinesse, you must double the point of Gentlenesse, and there you shall sée a companie that will meddle with your merchandize. Then said the king, Sithens Renowme is their merchandize, let vs buie it if we can. Then the ship shot a peale of guns, and sailed foorth before the kings companie, full of flags and banners, till it came to the tilt yard.