[1] [2] [3] In the moneth of Februarie this yeare came am|bassadors from the king of Arragon and Castile,Ambassador [...] from the king of Spaine [...] aid against t [...] Moores. to require an aid of fiftéene hundred archers to be sent to the same king, hauing at that time war against the Moores, enimies of the christian faith. The king hearing their message gentlie granted their re|quest. And bicause the lord Thomas Darcie a knight of the garter,Lord Darc [...]e knight of the garter. made humble sute to the king to be ge|nerall of the crue that should be thus sent into Spaine, the king vpon trust of his approued valian|cie granted his desire. There were appointed to go with him the lord Anthonie Greie brother to the mar|quesse Dorset, Henrie Guilford, Weston Browne, and William Sidneie esquiers of the kings house, sir Robert Constable, sir Roger Hastings, and sir Rafe Elderton, with other gentlmen to be capteins.