[1] Now at his returning, manie hearing of his going on maieng, were desirous to sée him shoot, for at that time his grace shot as strong and as great a length as anie of his gard. There came to his grace a certeine man with bow and arrowes, and desired his grace to take the muster of him,The king a good archer. and to sée him shoot; for at that time his grace was contented. The man put the one foot in his bosome, and so did shoot, and shot a verie good shoot, and well towards his marke: whereof, not onelie his grace, but all other greatlie maruelled. So the king gaue him a reward for his so dooing; which person afterwards of the peo|ple, and of them in the court, was called, Foot in bo|some. The same yeare in the feast of Pentecost, hol|den at Gréenwich,The king cha+lengeth all commers at sundrie exer|cises of ac|tiuitie that is to say, the thursdaie in the same wéeke, his grace with two other with him, chalenged all commers, to fight with them at the barriers with target, and casting the speare of eight foot long; and that doone, his grace with the said two aides to fight euerie of them twelue strokes with two handed swordes, with and against all commers, none excepted being a gentleman; where the K. be|haued himselfe so well, and deliuered himselfe so vali|antlie by his hardie prowesse and great strength, that the praise and laud was giuen to his grace, and his aides: notwithstanding that diuerse and strong per|sons had assailed him and his aides.