And on a time the king in person, accompanied with the earles of Essex, [...]. Hall in [...] vj. The king [...] other [...] disguised [...] Robin [...]ods men [...] disport. Wilshire and other noble men, to the number of twelue, came suddenlie in a morning into the queenes chamber, all apparelled in short coates of Kentish Kendall, with hoodes on their heads & hosen of the same, euerie one of them his bow and arrowes, and a sword and a buckler, like outlawes, or Robin Hoods men. Whereat the queene, the ladies, and all other there were abashed, as well for the strange sight, as also for their sudden comming, and after certeine danses and pastime made, they departed. On Shrouesundaie the same yeare, [...] banket. the king prepared a goodlie banket in the par|lement chamber at Westminster, for all the ambas|sadors, which then were here out of diuerse realmes and countries. The banket being readie, the king leading the quéene, entered into the chamber, then the ladies, ambassadours, and other noble men follo|wed in order.