[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [...] plague.This yeare the plague was great, and reigned in diuerse parts of this realme.1 [...]0 The king kept his Christmas at Richmond. The twelfe of Ianuarie, diuerse gentlemen prepared to iust,The king run [...] at tilt in [...] owne [...]erson. and the king and one of his priuie chamber called William Comp|ton, secretlie armed themselues in the little parke of Richmond, & so came into the iustes, vnknowne to all persons. The king neuer ran openlie before, and did exceeding well. Maister Compton chanced to be sore hurt by Edward Neuill esquier, brother to the lord of Aburgauennie, so that he was like to haue died. One person there was that knew the king, and cried; God saue the king: and with that, all the peo|ple were astonied, and then the king discouered himselfe, to the great comfort of the people. The king soone after came to Westminster, and there kept his Shrouetide with great bankettings, dansings, and other iollie pastimes.