[1] Thus haue I thought good to shew what I find hereof, to the end ye may perceiue how glad men were to find some colour of sufficient matter, to bring the said sir Richard Empson, and maister Ed|mund Dudleie, within danger of the lawes; whereby at length they were not onelie condemned by act of parlement, through malice of such as might séeme to seeke their destruction for priuat grudges; but in the end also, they were arreigned: as first the said Ed|mund Dudleie in the Guildhall of London, the se|uentéenth of Iulie; and sir Richard Empson at Northampton in October next insuing: and being there condemned, was from thence brought backe againe to the Tower of London, where he remai|ned till the time of his execution as after yée shall [page 805] heare.