[1] [2] Matters ob|iected against Empson.In the one he is charged, that to win the fauour and credit of the late king, not weieng his honor nor the prosperitie of him, or wealth of his realme, hee had (in subuersion of the lawes of the land) procured diuerse persons to be indicted of diuerse crimes and offenses surmised against them, and therev [...]on to be committed to prison, without due proces of law; who not suffered to come to their answers, were kept in durance, till they had compounded for their fines, to their great importable losses, and vtter impouerish|ment. Also diuerse vntrue offices of intrusions and alienations, made by sundrie the late kings liege people, into manors, lands, and tenements were found; it being vntrulie alleged, that they held the same of the king In capite. And when such persons as were thus vexed, offered to trauerse those offices, they could not be admitted thereto, in such due and lawfull forme as in such cases the law prouideth,Wrong main|teined against the kings li [...]ge people. till they had compounded to paie great fines and ran|somes.