[1] [2] At this parlement sir Richard Empson knight,Empson and Dudleie at|teinted of treason. and Edmund Dudleie esquier late councellors vn|to king Henrie the seauenth, were atteinted of high treason. They were charged with manie offenses committed in the late kings daies, as partlie before yée haue heard; Polydor. who being brought before the coun|cell, as they were graue and wise personages, and both of them learned and skilfull in the lawes of the realme: so had they vtterance verie readie whereby to deliuer the conceipts of their minds with singular dexteritie, speciallie in a case of importance; in so much that when the said parties were conuented be|fore the assemblie of the lords, they alleged for them|selues right constantlie (in their owne defenses) much good and sufficient matter, of whome Empson (being the elder in yeares) had these words.