[1] [2] [3] [4] The king pardoned the lord Henrie brother to the duke of Buckingham,Henrie ye duke of Bucking|hams brother created erle of Wilshire. committed to the Tower (as yee haue heard) vpon suspicion of treason: but when nothing could be prooued against him, he was set at libertie, and at the parlement after created earle of Wilshire. Also this yeare the king ordeined fiftie gentlemen to be speares, euerie of them to haue an archer, a demilance, and a custrell; and euerie speare to haue thrée great horsses to be attendant on his person, of the which band the earle of Essex was lieu|tenant, and sir Iohn Pechie capteine. This ordinance continued but a while, the charges was so great; for there were none of them, but they and their horsses were apparrelled and trapped in cloth of gold, siluer & goldsmithes worke.A great plague in Calis. This yeare also was a great pe|stilence in the towne of Calis, so that the king sent one sir Iohn Pechie with thrée hundred men to tar|rie there vpon the defense of that towne till the sick|nesse was ceassed. Furthermore,A parlement. this yeare the king summoned his parlement in the moneth of Nouem|ber, to begin in the moneth of Ianuarie next ensu|ing: whereof sir Thomas Inglefield was chos [...] speaker.