[1] On fridaie the two and twentith day of Iune, the king with the quéene being in the Tower of Lon|don, made foure and twentie knights of the Bath. And the morow following, being saturdaie the foure and twentith of Iune, his grace with the quéene de|parted from the Tower through London, the streets being hanged with tapestrie and cloth of arras, ve|rie richlie; and a great part of the south side of Cheape with cloth of gold, & so was some part of Cornehill. The stréets were railed & barred on the one side, from ouer against Grace church to Bredstréet in Cheape|side, [...] where euerie occupation stood in their liueries in order, beginning with base and meane occupations, and so ascending to the worshipfull crafts. Highest and lastlie stood the maior with the aldermen. The goldsmiths stals vnto the end of the Old change,A [...] sight [...] virgins in white, with branches of white wax. be|ing replenished with virgins in white, with branches of white wax: the priests and clearkes in rich copes, with crosses and censers of siluer, with censing his grace and the queene also, as they passed. The features of his bodie, his goodlie personage, his amiable vi|sage, princelie countenance, with the noble qualities of his roiall estate, to euerie man knowen, néedeth no rehersall, considering that (for lacke of cunning) I cannot expresse the gifts of grace and of nature that God indued him with all.