[1] [2] [3] After that the funerals of the said late king were once ended, great preparation was made for the co|ronation of the new king, which was appointed on Midsummer daie next insuing. During the time of which preparation, the king was aduised by some of his councell to take to wife the ladie Katharine, late wife to his brother prince Arthur, least she hauing so great a dowrie as was appointed to hir, might mar|rie [page 801] out of the realme, [...] which should be to his hinde|rance. The king being hereto persuaded, espoused the said ladie Katharine the third daie of Iune, the which marriage was dispensed with by pope Iulie, at the sute of hir father king Ferdinando. On the ele|uenth daie of this moneth of Iune, the king came from Gréenewich to the Tower ouer London bridge and so by Grace church, with whome came manie a gentleman richlie apparelled, but speciallie the duke of Buckingham,The duke of Bucking|hams rich [...]. which had a gowne all of gold|smiths worke, verie costlie.