[1] After this proclamation was notified abroad, all such as had béene constreined either by right or by wrong (as Polydor saith) to paie anie thing for anie forfeitures of lawes and customes by them trans|gressed, came flocking to the court, & there declared their gréefs, in what sort they had wrongfullie béene compelled (as they surmised) to paie this or that summe. The councell heard euerie mans complaint, and such as were found to haue paid anie thing with|out plaine proofe of iust cause, they tooke such order for them, that they had their monie againe. Which being once knowne, it was a strange thing to sée how thicke other came in;Multitudes of suters what shifts they made to be heard. yea euen those that had béene worthilie fined & punished for their disorderlie trans|gressions, making earnest sute for restitution, fei|ning and forging manie things to make their cause séeme good, and to stand with equitie.