[1] [2] [3] The same daie also that the king came to the Tower, the lord Henrie Stafford brother to the duke of Buckingham was arrested, and committed to the Tower: and the same daie also doctor Ruthall was named bishop of Durham. The fiue and twen|tith daie of Aprill was proclamed, that the kings grace ratified all the pardons granted by his father, and also pardoned all such persons as were then in sute for anie offense whatsoeuer it was; treason, mur|ther, and fellonie onelie excepted. And now,A proclama|tion. whereas the performance of the deceassed kings will was thought right expedient with all spéed to be perfor|med, a proclamation was also set foorth and publi|shed thorough the realme, that if anie man could prooue himselfe to be hurt, and depriued of his goods wrongfullie by the commissioners of the forfeitures; he should come and present his pla [...]nt to the king, be|ing readie to satisfie euerie one of all iniuries su|steined.