[1] [2] Amongst these was Henrie the fourth earle of Northumberland, which (whether it was by the com|mandement of king Richard, putting diffidence in him; or he did it for the loue and fauour that he bare vnto the earle) stood still with a great companie, and intermitted not in the battell, which was inconti|nentlie receiued into fauour and made of the coun|cell. But Thomas Howard earle of Surreie,Erle of Sur|reie cõmitted to the Towe [...] notwithstan|ding his sub|mission. which submitted himselfe there, was not taken to grace; bi|cause his father was chiefe councellor, and he great|lie familiar with king Richard, but committed to the Tower of London, where he long remained; and in conclusion deliuered, was for his truth and fidelitie after promoted to high honors, offices and dignities. On the earle of Richmonds part were slaine scarse one hundred persons, among whome the principall was sir William Brandon his standard-bearer. This battell was fought at Bosworth in Leicestershire, the two and twentith daie of August, in the yeare of our redemption 1485. The whole conflict indured li|tle aboue two houres.