[1] [2] In the euening of the same day, sir Iohn Sauage, sir Brian Sanford,The princi|pals of K. Ri|chards power [...] from him. sir Simon Digbie, and manie o|ther, leauing king Richard, turned and came to the part of the earle of Richmond, with an elect compa|nie of men. Which refusall of king Richards part, by men of such experience, did augment and increase both the good hope, and the puissance of the earle of Richmond. In the meane season, king Richard which was appointed now to finish his last labor by the very diuine iustice & prouidence of God (which called him to condigne punishment for his mischiefous deserts) marched to a place méet for two battels to incounter, by a village called Bosworth, not farre from Lei|cester: and there he pitched his field on a hill called Anne Beame, refreshed his souldiers, and tooke his rest.