[1] [2] While the souldiers were refreshing and trim|ming themselues in their campe, strange tidings sproong among them without anie certeine author; that sir Walter Herbert, which laie with a great crue of men at Carmarden, was now with a great armie readie to approch and bid them battell. With which newes the armie was sore troubled, and eue|ry man assaied his armour and prooued his weapon, and were prest to defend their enimies. And as they were in this fearfull doubt, certeine horssemen, which the earle had sent to make inquirie and search, retur|ned and reported all the countrie to be quiet, and no let nor impediment to be laid or cast in their iournie. And euen at the same time,The earle of Richmonds power made stronger by accesse of con|federats. the whole armie was greatlie recomforted, by reason that the comming of Richard Griffith, a man of great nobilitie, the which notwithstanding that he was confederate with sir Walter Herbert, and Richard ap Thomas; yet at that verie instant he came to the earle of Richmond with all his companie; which were of no great num|ber. After him the same daie came Iohn Morgan with his men.