[1] [2] A false rumor of ill newes.Here he heard newes, which were as vntrue as they trulie were reported to him in Normandie; that Rice ap Thomas, and Iohn Sauage, with bodie and goods, were determined to aid king Richard. While he and his companie were some what astonied at these new tidings, there came such message from the inhabitants of the towne of Penbroke, that refresh|ed and reuiued their frosen harts and daunted cou|rages. For Arnold Butler a valiant capteine, which first asked pardon for his offenses before time com|mitted against the earle of Richmond, and that ob|teined, declared to him that the Penbrochians were readie to serue and giue their attendance on their naturall and immediat lord Iasper earle of Pen|broke. The earle of Richmond, hauing his armie thus increased, departed from Hereford west to the towne of Cardigan, being fiue miles distant from thence.