[1] [2] But in the meane season, there came to the earle a more ioifull message from Morgan Kidwellie, lear|ned in the temporall law,The Welsh|men offer to aid the earle o [...] Richmond. which declared that Rice ap Thomas, a man of no lesse valiantnesse than actiui|tie, and Iohn Sauage an approoued capteine, would with all their power be partaker of his quarell. And that Reginald Breie had collected and gotten togi|ther no small summe of monie for the paiment of the wages to the souldiers and men of warre: admo|nishing him also to make quicke expedition, and to take his course directlie into Wales. The earle of Richmond, bicause he would no longer linger and wearie his fréends, liuing continuallie betwéene hope and feare, determined in all conuenient hast to set forward, and caried to his ships armor, weapons, vittels, and all other ordinances expedient for warre.