[1] [2] [3] Wherefore, making not manie of his counsell, af|ter diuerse consultations, he determined not yet to set forward: but to tarie and attempt how to get more aid, more fréends, and more stronger succours. And amongst all other, it was thought most expedi|ent to allure by affinitie in his aid, as a companion in armes, sir Walter Herbert,Sir Walter Herbert. a man of an ancient stocke, & of great power among the Welsh, who had with him a faire ladie to his sister, of age ripe to be coupled with him in matrimonie. And for the atchi|uing of this purpose,A mariage purposed [...] disappointed. messengers were secretlie sent to Henrie earle of Northumberland (which had be|fore [page 753] maried another sister of sir Walter Herberts) to the intent that he should set forward all this de|uise and purpose: but the waies were so narowlie watched, and so manie spies laid, that the messenger procéeded not in his iournie and businesse.