[1] While he taried there, making prouision at Harfleet in the mouth of the riuer of Sene for all things ne|cessarie for his nauie, tidings were brought to him that king Richard (being without children, & now a widower) intended shortlie to marie the ladie Eliza|beth his brothers daughter; and to prefer the ladie Cicilie hir sister to a man found in a cloud, and of an vnknowne linage and familie. He tooke these newes as a matter of no small moment; and so (all things considered) it was of no lesse importance than he tooke it for.The earle is greeued at [...] newes of king Richards in|tended mari|age with his neéce. For this thing onelie tooke awaie from him and all his companions their hope and courage, that they had to obteine an happie enterprise. And therefore no maruell though it nipped him at the ve|rie stomach: when he thought, that by no possibilitie he might atteine the mariage of any of K. Edwards daughters, which was the strongest foundation of his building; by reason whereof he iudged that all his fréends in England would abandon and shrinke from him.