[1] When relation of his departure was made to the earle of Richmond, and the other noble men, no mar|uell though they were astonied and greatlie amazed. Yet that notwithstanding, they required of the French king, that it might be lawfull for them in his name, and by his commandement, to take and staie their companion, confederate, and partaker of all their counsell, in what place within his realme and territorie so euer they could find him. Which petition once obteined, they sent out currors into euerie part, amongst whom Humfreie Cheinie (plaieng the part of a good bloudhound) followed the tract of the fli|er so euen by the sent, that he ouertooke and apprehen|ded him not far from Campeigne; and so what with reason, and what with faire promises, being persua|ded, he returned againe to his companions.