[1] [2] [3] The king answered hir with faire words, and with smiling and flattering leasings comforted hir, and bid hir be of good cheere, for (to his knowledge) she should haue no other cause. But howsoeuer that it fortuned, either by inward thought and pensiuenesse of hart, or by infection of poison (which is affirmed to be most likelie) within few daies after the queene de|parted out of this transitorie life,The quéene [...] to king Richard the third sudden| [...] dead. and was with due solemnitie buried in the church of S. Peter at West|minster. This is the same Anne, one of the daugh|ters of the earle of Warwike, which (as you haue heard before) at the request of Lewes the French king was maried to prince Edward, sonne to king Henrie the sixt. The king thus (according to his long desire) losed out of the bonds of matrimonie, began to cast a foolish fantasie to ladie Elizabeth his néece, making much sute to haue hir ioined with him in lawfull matrimonie.K Richard ca [...]eth his [...] on his [...]éece purpo|sing [...]o ma| [...] hir.