[1] After she sent letters to the marquesse hir sonne, being then at Paris with the earle of Richmond, willing him in anie wise to leaue the earle, and with|out delaie to repaire into England,Quéene Eli|zabeth allu|reth hir sonne the marques [...]e Dorset home out of France where for him were prouided great honours, and honourable pro|motions; ascerteining him further, that all offenses on both parts were forgotten and forgiuen, and both he and she highlie incorporated in the kings heart. Suerlie the inconstancie of this woman were much to be maruelled at, if all women had béene found constant; but let men speake, yet women of the v [...]rie bond of nature will follow their owne sex. [But it was no small allurement that king Richard vsed to ouercome hir (for we know by experience that wo|men are of a proud disposition, and that the waie to win them is by promises of preferment) and there|fore it is the lesse maruell that he by his wilie wit had made conquest of hir wauering will. Besides that, it is to be presumed that she stood in feare to impugne his demands by denials, least he in his malicious mood might take occasion to deale roughlie with hir, being a weake woman, and of a timorous spirit.]