[1] But when this craftie dissembler Peter Landoise, which was no wilier than an old fox,Pe [...]er Lan|doise his ex|pectation dis|appointed by the priuie and vnknowne de|parting of the earle. perceiued that the earle was departed (thinking that to be true that he imagined) Lord how currors ran into euerie coast! how light horssemen gallopped in euerie street! to follow and deteine him, if by anie possibilitie hee could be met with and ouertaken, and him to appre|hend and bring captiue into the citie of Uannes. The horssemen made such diligence, and with such celeri|tie set forward their iournie, that nothing was more likelie than they to haue obteined, yea and seized their preie. For the earle of Richmond was not en|tered into the realme of France scarse one houre, but the followers came to the limits and confines of Britaine, and durst aduenture no further, but vainlie (without their desire) sorrowfullie returned.