[1] The fourth day after the earle of Richmond was thus departed, that craftie merchant Peter Lan|doise, thirsting still after his preie promised by king Richard, was readie to set forward his crew of soul|diers, which he priuilie had consigned, with certeine trustie capteins for that onelie purpose appointed and elected, to performe and atchiue his pretended enter|prise; dissembling and feining them to be conducted and hired by him to serue the earle of Richmond, and him to conduct in his returne toward his natiue countrie: meaning no other thing but to apprehend him, and the other noble men in his retinue, which no such fraud suspected, nor yet anie treason imagined, vnware and vnprouided, and destitute of all aid, and them to cast and commit suddenlie into continuall captiuitie and bondage, to the intent that by this his wretched and naughtie act, he might satisfie the cha|ritable request and louing desire of good king Ri|chard, more for his owne profit than king Richards gaine.