[1] The ambassadors (furnished with these and other instructions) arriued in Britaine, and came to the dukes house; where with him they could haue no ma|ner of communication concerning their weightie af|faires: by reason that he being faint and weakened by a long and dailie infirmitie, began a little to wax idle and weake in his wit and remembrance. For which cause Peter Landoise his cheefe treasuror, a man both of pregnant wit and great authoritie, ru|led and adiudged all things at his pleasure and com|mandement, for which cause (as men set in authori|tie be not best beloued) he excited & prouoked against him the malice and euill will of the nobilitie of Bri|taine, which afterward (for diuerse great offenses by him during his authoritie perpetrate & committed) by their meanes was brought to death & confusion.