[1] [2] Besides this, to declare vnto them that they should doo verie well, to returne into England with all such power as they might get before the feast of S. Luke the euangelist next insuing; for so they might receiue all the whole reuenues of the realme due at the feast of saint Michael next before the said feast of saint Luke. And that if the said earle of Richmond and his partakers,Collingborne purpose to [...] the erle a [...] his arriuall at Pole in Dor|setshire. following the counsell of the said Colling|borne, would arriue at the hauen of Pole in Dor|setshire, he the said Collingborne and other his asso|ciats would cause the people to rise in armes, and to leuie warre against king Richard, taking part with the said earle and his freends; so that all things should be at their commandements. Moreouer, to mooue the said earle to send the said Iohn Cheineie vnto the French king, to aduertise him that his ambassadors sent into England should be dallied with, onelie to driue off the time till the winter season were past, and that then in the beginning of summer king Richard meant to make warre into France, inuading that realme with all puissance: and so by this meanes to persuade the French king to aid the earle of Rich|mond and his partakers, in their quarell against king Richard.