[1] Anno Reg. 2.In this troublous season, nothing was more mar|uelled at, than that the lord Stanleie had not béene taken, and reputed as an enimie to the king; consi|dering the working of the ladie Margaret his wife, moother to the earle of Richmond. But forsomuch as the enterprise of a woman was of him reputed of no regard or estimation; and that the lord Thomas hir husband had purged himselfe sufficientlie to be inno|cent of all dooings and attempts by hir perpetrated and committed:King Richard chargeth the lord Stanleie to kéepe his wife in some secret place from dealing against him. it was giuen him in charge to kéepe hir in some secret place at home, without hauing a|nie seruant or companie: so that from thense foorth she should neuer send letter or messenger vnto hir sonne, nor anie of his freends or confederats, by the which the king might be molested or troubled, or anie hurt or preiudice might be attempted against his realme and communaltie. Which commandement was a while put in execution and accomplished, accor|ding to his dreadfull commandement.