[1] [2] Wherefore in all spéedie maner they galoped to|ward him, and him reuerentlie saluted. Which mee|ting after great ioy and solace, and no small thanks giuen and rendered on both parts, they aduisedlie de|bated and communed of their great businesse and weightie enterprise. In the which season the feast of the Natiuitie of our sauiour Christ happened,The English lords giue faith and pro|mise either to other. on which daie all the English lords went with their so|lemnitie to the cheefe church of the citie, and there ech gaue faith and promise to other. The earle himselfe first tooke a corporall oth on his honor, promising that incontinent after he shuld be possessed of the crowne and dignitie of the realme of England, he would be conioined in matrimonie with the ladie Elizabeth daughter to king Edward the fourth.The earle of Richmond sweareth to marrie Eli|zabeth daugh|ter to Ed|ward the fourth, after possession of the crowne. Then all the companie sware to him fealtie, and did to him ho|mage (as though he had béene that time the crowned king, and annointed prince) promising faithfullie, and firmelie affirming, that they would not onelie loose their worldlie substance; but also be depriued of their liues and worldlie felicitie, rather than to suffer king Richard that tyrant longer to rule and reigne ouer them.