[1] They that were sent to inquire, were instantlie de|sired of the men of warre keeping the coast (which thereof were before instructed & admonished) to des|cend and take land, affirming that they were appoin|ted by the duke of Buckingham there to await and tarie for the arriuall and landing of the earle of Rich|mond,A forged tale [...]o intrap the earles mes|sengers. and to conduct him safelie into the campe, where the duke not far of laie incamped with a migh|tie armie, and an host of great strength and power, to the intent that the duke and the earle, ioining in puis|sances and forces togither, might prosecute and chase king Richard being destitute of men, and in maner desperate, and so by that meanes, and their owne la|bours, to obteine the end of their enterprise which they had before begun.