[1] [2] While these things were thus handled and ordered in England,The earle o [...] Richmonds preparation of ships and souldiers to the sea. Henrie earle of Richmond prepared an armie of fiue thousand manlie Britons, and fortie well furnished ships. When all things were prepared in a readinesse, and the daie of departing and setting forward was appointed, which was the twelfe daie of the moneth of October, the whole armie went on shipbord, and halsed vp their sailes, and with a prospe|rous wind tooke the sea. But toward night the wind changed, and the weather turned, and so huge and ter|rible a tempest so suddenlie arose, that with the verie power and strength of the storme,His ships dis|parkled by tempest. the ships were dis|parkled, seuered & separated asunder: some by force were driuen into Normandie, some were compelled to returne againe into Britaine. The ship wherein the earle of Richmond was, associat onelie with one other barke, was all night tossed and turmoiled.