[1] Now when it was knowne to his adherents, which were redie to giue battell, that his host was scatred, and had left him almost alone, and was fled, & could not be found; they were suddenlie amazed & striken with a sudden feare, that euery man like persons des|perate shifted for himselfe & fled. Some went to sanc|tuarie, and to solitarie places; some fled by sea, where|of the most part within a few daies after arriued safelie in the duchie of Britaine.The dukes adherents & their powers dispersed. Among which num|ber were these persons; Peter Courtneie bishop of Excester, and sir Edmund Courtneie his brother, by king Henrie the seuenth after created earle of Deuonshire; Thomas marquesse Dorset, Iohn lord [page 744] Welles, sir Iohn Bourchier, sir Edward Wooduile, a valiant man in armes, brother to quéene Eliza|beth, sir Robert Willoughbie, sir Giles Daubneie, sir Thomas Arundell, sir Iohn Cheinie and his two brethren, sir William Barkelie, sir William Bran|don, & Thomas his brother, sir Richard Edgecombe: all these for the most part being knights, Iohn Hal|lowell, and Edward Poinings, apolitike capteine.