[1] [2] Wherevpon the earle with all diligence sent into England againe Hugh Conweie,Hugh Cõwey and Thomas Rame return [...] into England and deliue [...] their answer. and Thomas Rame, which should declare his comming shortlie in|to England: to the intent that all things, which by counsell might be for his purpose prouided, should be spéedilie and diligentlie doone; and that all things doubtfull, should of his friends be prudentlie fore|séene, in auoiding all engines or snares which king Richard had or might set in disturbance of his pur|pose: and he in the meane season would make his a|bode still in Britaine, till all things necessarie for his iournie were prepared, and brought in a readinesse. In the meane season, the chiefteins of the coniurati|on in England began togither manie enterprises:Preparation to bring in, re|ceiue & [...] the earle to the kingdom [...]. some in conuenient fortresses put strong garrisons, some kept armed men priuilie, to the intent that when they should haue knowledge of the earles lan|ding, they would begin to stir vp the war: other did secretlie mooue and solicit the people to rise & make an insurrection: other (amongst whom Iohn Morton bishop of Elie then being in Flanders was chiefe) by priuie letters and cloked messengers did stirre [page 743] and mooue to this new coniuration, all such which they certeinlie knew to haue a rooted hatred, or to beare cankered malice toward king Richard and his proceedings.