[1] [2] And now being put in comfort of his long longing, he did communicate & breake to the duke of Britaine all his secrets, and priuie messages,The earle of Richmond maketh the duke of Bri|taine priuie to the matter. which were to him declared; aduertising him that he was entered into a sure and stedfast hope, to obteine and get the crowne and kingdome of the realme of England, desiring him both of his good will and friendlie helpe toward the atchiuing of his offered enterprise, pro|mising him when he came to his intended purpose, to render to him againe equall kindnes, and condigne recompense. Although the duke of Britaine before that daie, by Thomas Hutton ambassadour from king Richard, had both by monie and praiers beene solicited and mooued to put againe into safe custodie the earle of Richmond, he neuerthelesse promised faithfullie to aid him; and his promise hée trulie per|formed.