[1] Herevpon she elected for a messenger Hugh Con|weie esquier,Hugh [...] esquire [...] ouer to the [...] of Rich [...] to informe [...] of his [...] preferment & sent him into Britaine with a great sum of monie to hir sonne, giuing him in charge, to declare to the earle the great loue and especiall fauor that the most part of the nobilitie of the realme bare toward him, the louing hearts & beneuolent minds which the whole communaltie of their owne free will frankelie offered, and liberallie exhibited to him, wil|ling and aduising him not to neglect so good an occa|sion apparantlie offered; but with all speed and dili|gence, to addict and settle his mind & full intention how to returne home againe into England, where he was both wished and looked for: giuing him further monition and counsell, to take land and arriuall in the principalitie of Wales, where hée should not doubt to find both aid, comfort and friends.