[1] In the meane season, the countesse of Richmond tooke into hir seruice Christopher Urswike,The countesse of Richmond vttereth the matter to Urs+wike hir chap+leine, swearing him to be secret. an honest and wise priest, and (after an oth of him for to be se|cret taken and sworne) she vttered to him all hir mind and counsell, adhibiting to him the more confi|dence and truth, that he all his life had fauoured and taken part with king Henrie the sixt, and as a speci|all iewell put to hir seruice by sir Lewes hir physi|cian. So the mother, studious for the prosperitie of hir son, appointed this Christopher Urswike to saile into Britaine to the earle of Richmond, and to de|clare and reueale to him all pacts and agréements betwene hir & the quéene agréed and concluded. But suddenlie she remembring that the duke of Buc|kingham was one of the first inuentors, and a secret founder of this enterprise, determined to send some personage of more estimation than hir chapleine.